Wednesday 11 September 2013

Key words for front cover

Key words for front cover

  • Masthead- Name of magazine.
  • Left third- Information on the left hand side of the page. Such as sales in shops and where the magazine is not shown fully.
  • Main image- largest image on the page.
  • Anchorage text- anchorage text means that text is linked to something else on the page.
  • Colour scheme- what colours are used consistently.
  • Cover lines- Cover lines are short statements found on the cover of the magazine that allude to or describe the articles inside.
  • Slogan- a short but memorable phrase.
  • Hyperbolic wording- words that over exaggerate .
  • Size of price, why?- to compete with other magazines.
  • Layout- how the page is designed and where everything will go.
  • Direct address- a person or thing that is directly mentioned.
  • Flashes/puffs-an outline around some text that the produces want the reader to take notice of.
  • Additional images- images that aren’t as important as the main image.
  • Location of barcode- isn’t easily seen but can be accessed.
  • USP (unique selling point)- what makes a magazine unique.

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