Tuesday 14 January 2014

Steps To Making My Edited Images

At the bottom there will be a list of simple, basic steps to how I completed one of my edited images, from start to finish. (To be honest, all my edited images had a themed style but there added effects were all made up straight from my head, on to the image.)

Thursday 9 January 2014

Music Magazine Feedback Analysis

Music Magazine- Mixxrave feedback

To collect feedback for my magazine evaluation, I used a website called surveymonkey.com to generate a questionnaire for people to answer so I can gain positive or negative feedback.

For the feedback that I gained, I found out that not nobody would buy my music magazine as they are not amused by the selected genres I based the magazine around, which were dubstep and electronic, however 34% thought that the genre suited my magazine will 66% said no. They would rate the magazine out of ten, either 4-6. Several improvements people thought could be added to my magazine were to make the masthead of the magazine clearer so it’s easy to read, make the text readable, make it obvious what kind of music genre the magazine represents, there isn’t many page numbers on the contents page and, for certain images, make them clear to see. However, some positives about the magazine were about how creative and imaginative the images were and how good they were edited, the use of advertisements and colour scheme through out the magazine fits perfectly and links well to the genre and the use of pull quotes is very effective in the interview on the double page spread.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Media Magazine Evalulation

For my evaluation, I have decided to use a set of questions from the mark scheme to state what I did, thought and the feedback for my magazine.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
I tried to design an artist master piece out of my magazine. By listening to my target audience, I was able to make my magazine look very creative and original, as if the genre had exploded and was smeared across the magazine. I tried to give my magazine some emotions, especially in my double page spread, such as mystery, grief, amazement, optimism and surprise, something for the reader to engage. The decision of colours I used also shows this.

With creating catchy slogans, unimaginable headlines and cover lines for the featured content. I was able to take my music magazine a step forward by trying to make the readers think outside the box, so only the words and phrases would allow them to imagine what they would hope the magazine to behold.
Who would be the audience for your media product?
The magazine’s audience is be aimed at teenagers and young adults. Even though the stereo typical audience are similar to heavy metal artists, it is all just a gimmick. From research and from several images, I have found out the niche market for electronic and dubstep fans are mostly just your average teenagers and young adults. This is probably due to dubstep's free will style of music, as it is a rebellious genre like rock, which young adults and teens can enjoy at parties and raves.

How did you attract/address your audience?
All of the information presented, in the headings and the cover story, was used to broaden the imagination of the readers, by using creative text and vocabulary. I also tried to be formal when addressing the readers whenever I referred to them even when I didn’t use the correct style of font to show its formality. However, this was no concern as the type of font I would use would reflect on the magazines theme and genre and how it would appeal towards the readers.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
There are many types of software to design a source of media, especially for magazines. Adobe Indesign has been successful software for me to plan and create my magazine’s three main pages. However, It did limit me to the amount of detail I could added to the pages as once a page become full with texts, images and shapes. It become quite hard to select what I wanted to move or change and I thought that the software wasn’t very professional. On the other hand, I used Adobe Photoshop to edit and create my graphical images and headings. I am use to using Photoshop so it I found it even easier to create my magazine pages on Photoshop instead of Indesign. In the end, I found out that Adobe Photoshop was the best software to create my final magazine, but didn’t real matter to me whether I used either programmes as long as the outcome of the media was a good quality.

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Feedback Survey

To make the feedback easy for you to do and for me to understand and evaluate, could you please follow this link to my survey site: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/37MZBMP or https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/YFLGHCF which ever works. Thank you!

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Music Magazine (finished)

Music Magazine
-MixxRave Magazine
Please do leave feedback about what you thought about my music magazine. The only key information you need to know about this magazine is that it's genre is Dubstep and Electronic and obviously most of the information is made up. (At the far bottom are the original designs). However, please do enjoy.

Front Cover

Contents Page

Doublepage spread


Broken by soul, blasting it on the turntables, his emotions for music has no bounds.

Since the start, when he dropped his first bass with his first single magnitude. Ben Wooding (as Broken Beast) has taken a giant leap into the music industry with his genres of Dubstep and Electronic and has grabbed the attention of the newly adored fans.

The young DJ started back in early June 2012, after spending several days of his free time mixing around with his favourite tunes within his bedroom. He then uploaded most of his own original mixes on to the internet, via YouTube, Juke box alive and Facebook. In the first four months after uploading his tracks, swarms of listeners began to take a serious interest into his music, gaining the Beast a place in the charts.

In a recent interview with the animal himself, we got to find out his thoughts behind his smashing success. “I would never image that I would get to where I am today, amongst the stars. From what I started off with in my family’s house, too now being one of this generations top artists. It’s extraordinary and unreal. A journey of a life time which has changed my whole life around and hopefully the world! I am proud to see that the genre of Dubstep and Electronics keeps on growing with every new track so I’m unbelievably happy to help inspire fans to enjoy the raves to a never dying genre of art.”

Already Ben has been teaming up with other artists and bands, such as Nero/Icon for Hire/Infected Mushroom/Breathe Carolina and Skrillex, to give a new feel to their genres and to gain inspiration for his later tracks. Something for fans should stay tuned in for.
Front Cover

Contents Page

Doublepage Spread

Thursday 7 November 2013

Edited Images

The following link is about how I selected the images for my music magazine: 
These images are from my list of pictures that I have taken from my photo shoot. I may use these in my final music magazine.

Monday 4 November 2013

Magazine Images

Music Magazine Images
The following images your are about to see are several examples that I may or may not be using in my upcoming music magazine. These involve several images of; technology that may relate to my genre, images of me wearing similar cloths to what some of the niche market may wear and poses and action shots you would see the genres niche do. However,the images that have been selected as "NOT USING" are the images that I will not be using for my magazine. Enjoy!





With most of these images as you can already tell, there are several objects and parts in the backgrounds that I will want to remove from my final images. To make this possible, I will be using Adobe Photoshop to recreate some of the pictures and designing them so they are relevant to my music magazine's genre. In some cases, I may create some of my own draws, like the image second to bottom, and try to make them look as realistic as possible so they can also be inputted into my music magazine.

Examples of Photoshoped images: