Music Magazine- Mixxrave feedback
To collect feedback for my magazine evaluation, I used a website called to generate a questionnaire for people to answer so I can gain positive or negative feedback.
For the feedback that I gained, I found out that not nobody would buy my music magazine as they are not amused by the selected genres I based the magazine around, which were dubstep and electronic, however 34% thought that the genre suited my magazine will 66% said no. They would rate the magazine out of ten, either 4-6. Several improvements people thought could be added to my magazine were to make the masthead of the magazine clearer so it’s easy to read, make the text readable, make it obvious what kind of music genre the magazine represents, there isn’t many page numbers on the contents page and, for certain images, make them clear to see. However, some positives about the magazine were about how creative and imaginative the images were and how good they were edited, the use of advertisements and colour scheme through out the magazine fits perfectly and links well to the genre and the use of pull quotes is very effective in the interview on the double page spread.
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